About Our Civil Engineering Firm
Integrity—Provide a consistent framework of sound business principles through personal and corporate accountability
Honesty—Deliver what we have promised
Effective—Extend a broader vision to discover sound solutions
Quality—Practice consistent dependability resulting in client and company success
Green—Respect natural resources and their importance in sustaining life
LEC, INC. is committed to providing you the highest quality customer service in the civil engineering industry today. You are a part of our team as we work together to fulfill your goals. We desire to provide quality, cost effective, and environmentally sound engineering solutions that result in safe communities and a better way of life for all of us.
LEC, INC. was formed to provide a new direction for clients who seek sound engineering solutions with personal quality customer service. We believe the binding together of these key components are essential to insure success to you and our company. We strive to build lasting relationships with governmental agencies by recruiting them as an integral member of our planning, design and construction team. Our creative and strategic practices to insure the success of your development goals by utilizing a “big picture” approach to engineering challenges. We provide a local and global team of talented professionals with the flexibility to scale staffing levels to meet any project challenge. We pride ourselves in our ability to offer the most timely and cost effective schedules in the engineering industry today.
LEC, INC. is a professional civil engineering company who provides a wide range of engineering services including feasibility studies, site engineering, surveying and project management.

Learn About Our Services
Offering Solutions That Make A Difference

LEC, INC. provides a complete range of engineering services including the following:
•Preparation of engineered tentative maps and applications for land subdivisions
•Preparation and processing of site plans for development projects
•Preparation and processing of change of zone or land use applications
•Engineering and design of site improvements including grading, parking area design, street improvements, sewer, water and storm drain systems, and utilities
•Preparation of drainage studies, hydrological analysis, and design of drainage and flood control facilities
•Preparation of final tract maps and parcel maps for subdivisions

LEC, INC. performs surveying services as needed to provide property information and data to facilitate design of engineering projects. We also provide necessary surveying support to construction activities:
•Boundary and property surveys
•Record of surveys
•Topographic mapping
•Photogrammetric aerial surveys
•Construction control surveys
•Construction staking
•Preparation of legal descriptions and exhibit maps
•Lot line adjustments

LEC, INC. has extensive experience in the management of the construction of residential and commercial land development projects and infrastructure improvements:
•Preparation of conceptual cost estimates for budgetary purposes including costs for fees, agency deposits and potential reimbursement
•Preparation of detailed cost estimates based on completed engineering and utility system designs
•Preparation of technical specifications and bid schedules
•Coordination of project bidding, pre-bid conferences, and recommendations for contract award
•Supervise construction activities including expediting agency permits, monitoring of construction progress, and resolution of field problems
•Coordinate with public utility companies for the preparation of plans and contracts and obtaining utility installation schedules
•Processing of specialty permits from Caltrans, Army Corp of Engineers, State Department of Fish and Game and State Water Quality Control Board

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